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Paddox Primary School

PaddoxPrimary School

Lunch and Learn!

Times Tables afternoon

On Friday, we had a very successful 'Lunch and Learn'. Our parents and carers came and joined us for a school dinner (we all love Fishy Fridays!) and then they spent the afternoon in our classrooms. We showed them how we learn times tables using the counting stick and played whole-class games including Times Tables tennis and flashing fives/flicking fours/stacking sixes! Then, we completed a carousel of activities to help us learn and practise our times tables. We loved playing bingo and Kaboom! There were loads of good iPad games too. 

At the end of the day, we performed our year group assembly all about Neil Armstrong. The parents were very impressed by our singing, dancing and acting abilities. 

It was a lovely afternoon and we really enjoyed sharing our learning with our families. Thank you to all of the parents and carers who came along!