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Paddox Primary School

PaddoxPrimary School

Merry Christmas!

A long and successful term!

We have come to the end of our first term at Paddox, your children have coped incredibly well with their start to Primary School and have worked tirelessly. It has been a term of phonics, numeracy, stories, experiences and of course a cracking nativity!

It was such a pleasure to immerse your children in our nativity at Paddox and we are so proud of how well they performed on stage. They were fantastic during rehearsals both in class and on stage, we hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed creating it with them. Also, the praise your children received from the rest of the staff at Paddox was wonderful too, many staff have commented about how amazed they were at your children's confidence, character and coordination. Your children really enjoyed taking part in the nativity and they spread smiles across the school.

We would like to celebrate your children to you as they have taken each challenge we have given them head on and have put their all into everything they have done this term. They deserve a restful Christmas break, but please continue to recap your child's phonemes, formation and counting as these skills are vital.