Fire Safety

What should we do in the event of a fire?
Today we had a special visit from Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service. The firemen spoke to us about their jobs and we learnt lots of survival skills to help us to keep safe in the event of a fire. The children were very sensible and could explain which fires were good and which fires were bad. We all learnt how to Stop, Drop and Roll and practised crawling low in smoke. The children have brought home activity booklets to share with you at home and hopefully they can now explain to you how they would keep safe if there was a fire.
In other news this week, we have finally reached the end of Katie and the Sunflowers after completing many activities around the book. We have now started to plan our own stories about Katie, imagining another adventure that she might go on. Hopefully the children will be able to tell you their stories over the weekend, ready to start writing next week. We can't wait to read them and find out what happens to Katie!
In Numeracy we have been using positional and directional language. We created treasure hunts and directed our partners to the treasure, made assualt courses and described the position of different objects within the classroom. We are now becoming much more confident at recognising our left and right.
Just a reminder that next Wednesday 23rd November is Intra Sports so please could all children have their PE kits and coloured t-shirts in school.
Thank you for your continued support.