Spring Week 4
A week of story writing
We have had a very exciting week in Year 2! In food tec we got to make some delicious soup! Forest schoolers have been making rockets – please do look at the Forest School blog for more information.
It’s been our final week of our Shakespeare topic; next week (and for the next 4 weeks) we will be starting our new topic of Flight.
This week we have written some wonderful romance stories in the style of Romeo and Juliet and ‘The Whisperer’ by Nick Butterworth. We had been focusing on using contractions, capitals, full stops, adjectives and conjunctions in our stories.
Also, an additional reminder about warm PE kits being an absolute necessity. The children go outside every Tuesday afternoon, it can get quite windy on the school field and a thin t-shirt is really not sufficient. Please ensure your child has warm clothes to wear every week.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend! From Year 2.