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Paddox Primary School

PaddoxPrimary School

Welcome to Year Six!

Groovy Greeks!

Having settled quickly into the new routines, Year Six have spent the past week exploring their new topic: 'Groovy Greeks'. 

We have been learning about different Greek Gods and writing fact files about the new information we have picked up. Year Six thoroughly enjoyed typing these up on the computer and they look brilliant on our Topic Walls. 

As well as this, the children had a go at the STEM challenge. In groups, the children had to use 20 cups and two books to recreate the Parthenon. The children had a lot of fun arranging the cups so that it could hold the weight of the books - some of their Parthenon's could even take the children's weight! 

Towards the end of the week, the children have been exploring different Greek myths, such as Pandora's Box and The Trojan Horse.