The bittersweet taste of freedom

Making connections between what's in the news and what's available on our site.
Welcome back from the summer break. Hopefully, you've had a chance to explore somewhere different, whether close to home or far-flung. If you took a photo of something that might intrigue us here at Forest School, please send it in.
In our first week back, Years 5 and 6 engaged with the ongoing refugee crisis in Europe through role-play, den-building and thinking about the migration other living things make. True to the spirit of Forest School, we improvised with the large supply of cardboard that greets a growing school at the start of a new academic year. In blustery conditions, it wasn't easy to make anything solid. These frustrations served to help the students reflect on the experiences of real people: one of them remarked "I feel their pain."
Imagining themselves camping out in the Hungarian countryside, they foraged for blackberries before acting out news reports, based on details researched from interviews with refugees stranded in Budapest.
From sunhats on Thursday to torrential thunderstorms this afternoon... remember to check the weather forecast and bring the kit you need for each session!